
Bob Log III

Manic Slide Guitarist and One-Man Blues Explosion from Arizona One-man band Bob Log III is more than a scotch and a helmet and a jigger of blues By Timothy Finn The Kansas City Star If he hired a drummer, ditched his helmet and requested a standard swizzle stick to stir his scotch, Bob Log III would still draw an audience. His music is that entertaining. Instead, in more ways than one, Log is his won drummer, which goes a long way in explaining why his act is so offbeat, off-color and on target. In a music world well-populated by pretenders and poseurs, Log stands as a master of something that's as low-brow and funny as it is cunning and distinctive . For starters, he keeps time with two busy feet, kicking a cymbal and a bass drum and tow-tapping two drum machines. The first thing you'll notice about him, though, is the bubble-mask motorcycle helmet he wears, which is wired with a microphone - a masquerade that hides his face and warps his voice. And as for the swizzle stick - the frank truth is he'd rather his drink be stirred by a bare female breast, and these days Bob Log is so popular (or persuasive) he's been getting his way. Granted, Log could shed all ... more...

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