
The Lady Killers

Label: Death Row Records

The Band:

Ashtrey: Microphone Assasin.....Likes to sing and dance, is friends with Satan, and his favourite colors are "earth tones". Used to play bass in Boxfiller

Eric The Destroyer:Poundin Skins.....A real gentleman, but not very gentle.This ex-Dirty Needle likes walks on the beach and the smell of crayons.

Dildo: Air guitar......Has a heart of gold. Also plays guitar and sings in the Badamps. Spends his free time mastubating to skate videos.

Al . E . Trash: Bass head..... This pill popping , alcoholic , pervert enjoys popping pills , drinking beer and exposing himself to himself. Bares a striking resemblance to the star wars kid.
Broken Up

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