
the miniatures

In spite of their name, The Miniatures have always thought in the largest possible terms. To begin with, the six-piece from Kitchener, Ontario -- Ian Smith (lead gtr/lead vox), Nick Skalkos (drums/vox), Chris Finn (gtr/vox), Ryan Allen (bass), Kevin Hundt (keys), Shawn Feeney (perc) -- were always too big for their hometown. Although friends since their high school days in the early '90s, it was a common love of the era's alternative rock revolution that inspired them to form the band. Each weekend would find them (despite being underage) at Kitchener's premier rock club at the time, The Volcano, absorbing whoever was appearing and taking notes. It wasn't long before they themselves were regularly on that stage and becoming the automatic opening act of choice for an endless number of bigger Canadian acts passing through town. Their collective ambition to make The Miniatures into an unrivalled musical force did draw a loyal local following immediately. Yet, the band's focus on songwriting, especially in Smith's case, kept them out of the studio until the right songs were ready. That moment finally occurred in 2000 with the release of their self-titled independent debut, a blazin... more...

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