

Label: Indie
since circa 2002
This power trio hails from the great musical coast of Vancouver, Canada. Fronted by the charismatic and witty Johnny G on guitar and vocals with cohorts Jamie on bass and Dag on drums. A hi octane powered band with explosive grooves and catchy melodies so infectious that you can't stop humming their tunes in your head .

To get to the heart of the bands name, it came about as an expression to describe doing something that was not good for oneself but generally accepted by society and even promoted. Also the word symbolizes our current lifestyle choices, the acceptance of anything that contributes to our personal decay; ethically, morally or physically. Just look at what we eat, most of our food is laden with toxins, pesticides, preservatives and hormones - yet we all still continue to eat the same crap and no one really cares or has the balls to question it, we just take the attitude of it can't be all that bad it's everywhere and everyone is eating it. That's one of the many examples of how we all as a human race are de-evolving our standards of what is acceptable and good for ones self. Thus the word Diet Evil has come to life.
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Kasey Haze
2004 - The End
T.C. Davidson
2004 - The End
Dan E. Rail
2004 - The End

Past Members

Darrin Evil
2003 - 2004