
Rise of the Revolution

The fierce duo collaboration between rapper, The Prophet, and producer, Nima Fadavi came about in early 2006. At the time, The Prophet was signed to CMe, Avatar, and Universal records, and had just finished his first major label release, "Sworn In," when he was beginning to work on his second. Bringing in Nima to produce a few songs, the two began working more and more together. The beats Nima produced had a strong hip hop influence, but also brought in different elements of reggae, and carried a unique original style that blended multiple genres. The distinctive, fast, catchy rapping style of The Prophet seemed to form perfectly to the beats. Shortly after working together, The Prophet decided to end his contract with CMe, Avatar, and Universal records and pursue working on a full project with Nima. Both individuals, already accomplished musicians, seemed to have no problems getting their new project on its feet. Rise of the Revolution is music that speaks the truth, with strong political lyrics, backed by catchy, creative, and original sounding beats. Music that touches on every emotion and encourages standing up for what you believe in. Although influenced by many differe... more...

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