
Justin Funk

Instruments: Bass, Drums, Guitar, Cello, Keys, oud, details
looking for anyone who wants to work on a serious project making dynamic music that reminds modern mankind of nature and the old world. I like acoustics the most but plan to blend some fierce metal in a few songs, creating new concepts and remaking the very ancient, blending celtic, folk, blackmetal, trance, blues, classical and reggie styles. Any medieval or native instruments are awesome.

I grew up playing christian folk at services every other week. Then I joined a euro-metal band called Bitchfork, having a demo to show for it (bitchfork.net). Now I'm working on a ska/reggie project, 'Superhoots'...

Community Events

Current Projects

2008 - present
2005 - present
We will go on a vision quest and chose one at the other side
The Spirit of Dilly Sam will always live on...