
Winter Gloves

Winter Gloves began as one guy's way of figuring out how to plug himself into life in the big city. It was a single microphone and minimal equipment gathered into Charles F's downtown Montreal apartment to piece together all the distances he'd covered up until then. The jarring shift of such a transition seemed to peek through every chance it could, a constant inspiration as much as frustration that was drafted in the band's self-released Let Me Drive EP of mainly demo tracks. Today, Winter Gloves is Charles F (lead singer/songwriter/wurlitzer), Pat Sayers (drums), and Vincent Chalifour (synth). With only a handful of live shows behind them at the beginning of the year, Winter Gloves was already receiving invitations to join bands like Tokyo Police Club on a series of sold-out tour dates (Montreal, Ottawa, two Toronto shows). Such well-attended shows helped spread what was already becoming the wildfire of the earlier EP demo tracks that spiked on top 10 lists after recently being made available on iTunes, and lead to top pick coverage at both Canadian Music Week and NXNE this year. All this is leading up to the band's debut LP that will pick up to finish where those earlier de... more...

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