
Dan Mangan

The son of lawyer Mike Mangan. "The deliciously downbeat Postcards and Daydreaming a good sulky-day companion for anyone who has already invested in the collected works of Hayden or Crooked Fingers." -The Georgia Straight Gaining fans with every performance, Dan Mangan is slowly making his way from Vancouver to the depths of your listening environment. With thoughtful delivery (think M. Ward), Dan's weather-beaten vocals serve as a graceful conduit for his thoughtful lyrics. As an emerging young artist, he finds himself in the footsteps of Ryan Adams or Bright Eyes, building a grass roots following of loyal listeners just a few ears at a time. Dan took to the guitar and piano as a child and found himself memorizing Abbey Road's side 'B' in no time. With a deep respect for creative integrity, Mangan's focus from day one has been to honour the power of words. At the tender age of 24, his maturity as a lyricist is refreshing; as a performer, his presence is magnetic. In 2006, Dan showcased at the New Music West festival in Vancouver, North By North-East in Toronto and The Western Canadian Music Awards in Winnipeg, garnering a quick and viral excitement throughout t... more...
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