
Briana Stewart

Briana was born and raised in Kelowna, BC and was classically trained in piano from the age of three. She had dabbled in poem writing from a very young age but it would not be until her early 20's that Briana's poems would begin evolving into songs. Briana possesses a unique ability of being able to come up with lyrics and full song melodies without ever touching an instrument. However, this same gift posed a conundrum for her as she struggled relentlessly for hours at the piano to translate her melodies into song.

She moved to Vancouver on a whim in 2005 and as divine intervention (otherwise known as two mother-in-laws named Kathy) would have it, Briana was introduced to Matthew Mei in 2007 and the creative connection was instantaneous. Right before her eyes and ears, Briana's songs began to take shape with the help of Matt's expert ear and truly amazing guitar skills. After only a few months of collaboration, they have managed to finish her debut album 'Hero of Fools'. Yet her dream has truly been years in the making..
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