

Instruments: Bass, Composition/Songwriting, Vocals, Bass (Acoustic) details
Currently involved with Triple Agent (formerly Imposter Syndrome, located in Vancouver, which includes an electric guitarist and drummer. Some vocals at the moment, but the band mostly instrumental. I may step up to the challenge. I've done background vocals, but not lead.

Past bands that I've been involved with and playing live in the Greater Vancouver area:

Cluttuh (1993 - 1995)
Catapillar (1995 - 1996)
Elixir (1996 - 1999)
Go Dog Go (1999 - 2000)
PekarLeBlancProject (2000 - 2002)
Imposter Syndrome (2003 - 2009)
Triple Agent (2009 - present)
Active / Available

Community Events

Past Projects

Buckshot (aka George Wright & Buckshot)
Bastarache Morris (bass